
NFMC's Vision and Mission

Our vision is a fire disaster free society having socio-economic and ecological benefits derived from the wildland fire management in Nepal.


Our mission is to educate, encourage and assist fire affected local communities for poverty alleviation through livelihood support system in ecologically sustainable manner.


Our goal is to institutionalize wildland fire management activities for sustainable forest resource management in the country.


  • To conduct national fire assessment and research on wildland fire outbreaks, suppression, ecology and   management;
  • To support in formulation and improvement of legal, institutional and policy frameworks;
  • To support civil society and government to built capacity in fire management;
  • To develop fire management plans and human resources at all levels;
  • To give emphasis to community-based fire management (CBFiM) approaches and institutional and technological capabilities development at all levels;
  • To conduct campaigns to raise awareness about wildland fires in all sections of the society;
  • To assist in incorporation of wildland fire management courses in disaster management curricula at school and college level education specially in natural resource management courses;
  • To develop guidelines in fire management at all levels;
  • To enhance cooperation among countries within the region and at inter-regional levels, aimed at sharing technology, expertise and data in fire management;
  • To encourage the endorsement and use of FAO’s Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines and to participate in the Fire Management Actions. Alliance in support of their adoption of the Guidelines;
  • To endorse the objectives of work of the UN-ISDR Wildland Fire Advisory Group / Global Wildland Fire Network and Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and to support implementation of building fire management capability at both local and national levels, as well as through bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements;
  • To support the UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network (GWFN), the Regional South Asia Wildland Fire Network (RSAWFN) and the Secretariat of the global network, the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) aimed at fostering international cooperation in fire management, including collecting and disseminating fire information, arranging and enhancing international policy dialogue, and support of projects;
  • To create an enabling environment from all possible donors including national, international, bi-lateral, multi-lateral and private foundations for financial, technical and other resource support for sustainable fire management in the country;
  • To support and convene a series of National Seminars / Workshops / Trainings / Conferences.
  • To seek support from all possible donors including national, international, bi-lateral, multi-lateral and private foundations for financial, technical and other resource support to accomplish the above tasks.